jobs - International Early Childhood Organizations


"Childhood Educational International is seeking people with special education degrees, child rights and protection, and policy development training. They want people that share their vision of elevating education and learning as the foundation of all aspects of human development and world progress."

"The ECPC Executive Board’s primary responsibility is to ensure that the objectives of the wider ECPC are effectively articulated and achieved, and remain in alignment with the ECPC vision statement and strategy, to promote social justice and reduce violence. It is comprised of high profile and/or senior level persons, who are either directly connected with one of the founding institutions of the ECPC, and/or have high level of influence within ECPC related networks, and/or are world renowned persons in the field of Early Childhood and/or Peace, and/or have served as international leader, and/or are recognized for having undertaken high-level related or similar functions."

"The team at Childhood Education International is composed of specialists with professional expertise in areas of global education, international relations, child rights, communications, nonprofit management, and beyond. Our strategic positioning is bolstered by regional expertise held by those in our Country Lead program and key representatives to the United Nations, making our team uniquely equipped to unite leaders in seeking innovative ways to advance children’s education and development."



  1. Hi Kathleen,
    I like your choice of organizations because they represent the interests of children and their families. I like that they also include girls in their representation, this is necessary as the scales need to tip in this direction for balance in different parts of the world.

  2. Thank you for sharing these organizations with us. I was unfamiliar with ECPC, so it was refreshing to learn about it. I love that there are several international organizations dedicated to protecting the rights of children. That is one thing I noticed with these assignments. Organizations may have different vision and mission statements, but the goal is ultimately the same.


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